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Career Portfolio Pro

Version 1.0.0

Career Portfolio Pro theme that you can absolutely use for publishing your portfolio,business,blog etc.

Career Portfolio Pro theme that you can absolutely use for publishing your personal or company portfolio, news, blog, magazine, health, education, etc. This theme is very flexible and includes options that make website development an easy task.


Follow the steps below to get started with your WordPress Theme

  1. Now Login to WordPress admin Dashboard.
  2. Go to  Appearance> Themes > Add New >  Upload theme.
  3. Upload and Activate themes.

Installing Plugins

When you click on “Activate” button to activate Career Portfolio Pro Theme, you will see the a notice offering you to install required and recommended plugins.

Click “Begin installing plugins“, on the screen that appears, next select the plugins you want to be installed, pick “Install” in Bulk Actions select box and click “Apply” button. For optimal user experience install and activate all recommended plugins.

Import Demo Data

We are providing our own demo importing plugin so if you like and want to demo like website in your site then you can easily import the demo and set up on your site.

Steps to import demo data:

    1. After activated Theme One Click Demo Import from a plugin.
    2. you will get the Import Demo nav in your dashboard.
    3. Click on Import Demo. You will get all the demo available:
    4. Click on the Import and follow the process as shown in the video. Link is here:

Step to Add New Post

  1. Go to Post,Click Add New.
  2. Add Title,Content,Feature Image and Categories.
  3. Click on Publish.

Step to Add New Page

  1. Go to Page,Click Add New.
  2. Add Title,Content and Feature Image.
  3. Click on Publish.

Go to Appearance > Customize > color. where you can see Background Color Options sections.

  1. Background Color: Select the color available in the options. If the preview is fine, click on Publish to apply recently selected Background Color.

Go to Appearance > Customize >Header Media. From where you can change the Header Image and video for your site. Select the header image of your choice.If the preview is fine, click on Publish to apply the recently selected image as the Header image. similarly select the header video for your site and if preview is fine ,click publish to apply on header part.and Here you will get more option for header media which is listed out below.

  1. Enable Header Media: This option allows you to enable/disable Header media.
  2. Disable on 404, Search & Archives?:This option allows you to enable/disable header media in 404,search and Archives page.
  3. Disable on Blog page?:This option allows you to enable/disable header media in blog page.
  4. Disable on Latest Posts Page?:This option allows you to enable/disable header media in latest posts page.
  5. Disable on Posts?:This option allows you to enable/disable header media in posts.
  6. Disable on Page?:This option allows you to enable/disable header media in page.
  7. Menu Title:This option allows you to edit menu title.
  8. Menu Slug:This option allows you to  edit menu slug.
  9. Header Media Title:This option allows you to edit header media title.
  10. Header Media Sub Title:This option allows you to edit header media sub title.
  11. Header Media Button Title:This option allows you to header media button title.
  12. Header Media Button URL: This option allows you to edit  header media button URL.

Go to Appearance > Customize > Background Image.Select the image for Background available on media library or upload from the other location.If the preview is fine, click on  Publish to apply recently selected/uploaded image as Background Image.

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme Options.
  2. You will get different options and Setting as shown in screenshot.

Header Setting

Header setting will give you options to control the looks of the header part of your site.

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Header Setting.
  2.  : This option allows you to enable/disable .
  3.  : This option allows you to Enable/disable
  4. Enable Header Social Menu: This option allows you to Enable/disable header social menu.
  5. Enable Header Toggle: This option allows you to Enable/disable Header Toggle.
  6.  This option allows you to Enable/disable 
  7. Enable Side Navigation: This option allows you to Enable/disable Side Navigation

General Setting

General Setting will give you options to control the looks of the General Setting of your site. Go to   Appearance  > Customize > Theme Options > General Setting.

  1. Sidebar Layout Options: 



Blog Setting

Blog setting will give you options to control the looks of the Blog part of your site. Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme Options >Blog Setting.

  1. Enable Category Meta: This option help you to enable/disable Category Meta.
  2.  : This option helps you to enable/disable posted date.
  3. Pagination Options: This option helps you to select pagination options. Like default and numerical options.


Front Page Options will give you options to control the looks of the your Home page setting.

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options.
  2. You will get different options and Setting as shown in screenshot.

Home Page Content Setting

Home Page Content Setting will give you options to control the looks of the home page contents.

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Home Page Content Setting.
  2. Enable Home Page Content: This option allows you to Enable/disable Home page Content.

Sortable Section

Sortable Section will give you options to sortable the section in your home page.

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options> Sortable Section.

About Setting

About Setting will give you options to control the looks of the  home page about us section in your site.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options> About Setting .

  2. Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit menu title.
  3. Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit slug of section.
  4. Section Title:This option allows you to Edit section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for about section.
  6. Section About Us Page:This option allows you to select about us page.
  7. Skill Bar Options:This option allows you to add skill bar option on your about section.
  8. Skill Label Color:This option allows you to select skill label color.

Qualification Setting

Qualification Setting  will give you options to control the looks of the qualification section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options> Qualification Setting.

  2. Qualification Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Qualification menu title.
  3. Qualification Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Qualification slug of section.
  4. Qualification Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Qualification section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Qualification section.
  6. Qualification Title First:This option allows you to edit qualification first title.
  7. Select Qualification Category:This option allows you to Select Qualification Category.
  8. Qualification Title Second:This option allows you to edit qualification second title.
  9. Select Qualification Second Category:This option allows you to Select Qualification Second Category.
  10. Select Qualification Number: This option allows you to Select Qualification Number.
  11. Qualification Button Title:This option allows you to edit Qualification Button Title.
  12. Qualification Button URL: This option allows you to edit Qualification Button URL.

Service Setting

Service Setting will give you options to control the looks of the service section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Service Setting.

  2. Service Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit menu title.
  3. Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit slug of section.
  4. Section Title:This option allows you to Edit section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for section.
  6. Title :This option allows you to edit title.
  7. Select  Category:This option allows you to Select Category.
  8. Select Service Number: This option allows you to Select Service Number.

Counter Setting

Counter Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Counter section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Counter Setting.

  2. Counter Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Counter  menu title.
  3. Counter Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Counter  slug of section.
  4. Counter Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Counter  section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Counter  section.
  6. Counter Options:This option allows you to add counter options.

Portfolio Setting

Portfolio Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Portfolio section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Portfolio Setting.

  2. Portfolio Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Portfolio menu title.
  3. Portfolio Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Portfolio slug of section.
  4. Portfolio Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Portfolio section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Portfolio section.
  6. Portfolio Title :This option allows you to edit Portfolio title.
  7. Select Category:This option allows you to Select PortfolioCategory.
  8. Portfolio Button Title: This option allows you to edit Portfolio Button Title.
  9. Masonry Inactive Title Color:This option allows you to Select Masonry Inactive Title Color.

Woo Commerce Setting

Woo Commerce Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Woo Commerce section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Woo Commerce Setting.

  2. Woo Commerce Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Woo Commerce menu title.
  3. Woo Commerce Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Woo Commerce slug of section.
  4. Woo Commerce Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Woo Commerce section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Woo Commerce section.
  6. Section Woo commerce Page :This option allows you to select Section Woo commerce Page.
  7. woo_button Button Title: This option allows you to edit woo_button Button Title.
  8. woo_button Button URL: This option allows you to edit woo_button Button URL.
  9. Select Category:This option allows you to Select Woo CommerceCategory.
  10. Select Woocommerce Number: This option allows you to select Select Woocommerce Number.

Team Setting

Team Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Team section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Team Setting.

  2. Team Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Team menu title.
  3. Team Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Team slug of section.
  4. Team Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Team section title.
  5. Team Title :This option allows you to edit Team Title.
  6. Select Category:This option allows you to Select TeamCategory.
  7. Select Team Number: This option allows you to select Team Number.
  8. Team Button Title: This option allows you to edit Team Button Title.

Video Setting

Video Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Video section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Video Setting.

  2. Video Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Video menu title.
  3. Video Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Video slug of section.
  4. Video Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Video section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Video section.
  6. Video Title :This option allows you to edit Video Title.
  7. Video Url: This option allows you to edit Video Url.

Testimonial Setting

Testimonial Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Testimonial section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Testimonial Setting.

  2. Testimonial Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Testimonial menu title.
  3. Testimonial Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Testimonial slug of section.
  4. Testimonial Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Testimonial section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Testimonial section.
  6. Section Testimonial Page :This option allows you to select Section Testimonial Page.
  7. Select Testimonial Category:This option allows you to Select Testimonial Category.
  8. Select Testimonial Number: This option allows you to Select Testimonial Number.

Client Setting

Client Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Client section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Client Setting.

  2. Client Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Client menu title.
  3. Client Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Client slug of section.
  4. Client Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Client section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Client section.
  6. Client Title :This option allows you to edit Client Title.
  7. Client Options:This option allows you to add Client Options.

Blog Setting

Blog Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Blog section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Blog Setting.

  2. Blog Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Blog menu title.
  3. Blog Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Blog slug of section.
  4. Blog Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Blog section title.
  5. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Blog section.
  6. Blog Title :This option allows you to edit Blog Title.
  7. Select Blog Category:This option allows you to Select Blog Category.
  8. Select Blog Number:This option allows you to Select Blog Number.

Contact Setting

Contact Setting will give you options to control the looks of the Contact section of home page.Go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options>Contact Setting.

  1. Contact Menu Title:This option allows you to Edit Contact menu title.
  2. Contact Menu Slug:This option allows you to Edit Contact  slug of section.
  3. Contact Section Title:This option allows you to Edit Contact section title.
  4. Upload a Background Image:This option allows you to select background image for Contact section.
  5. Section Contact Page :This option allows you to Section Contact Page.

Typography setting tab is one of the most important options which will allow you to customize the looks of your sites typography. It allows to set font family, font size and font color for your sites general use. It also allows you to choose font family and size for all header types . You can set different font size for each head tag. This options allows you to choose font color for anchor tag and its hover/active state.

From Typography Options, you will see different sections:



General Color Setting

This section allow you to change overall Body color, Linear Gradient Color, Linear Gradient Color, Primary Color, Hover Color, Header Tag Color, Paragraph Tag Color, Button Color, Button Background Color, Button Hover Color, Button Border Color, Entry Meta Background Color and Entry Meta Color according to your choice in your site.

go to Appearance > Customizing  > Typography Options > General Color Setting.


Header Color Setting

This section allows you to change Header Background Color, Header Icon Background Color,Header Toggle Background Color and Header Color.go to Appearance > Customizing  > Typography Options >Header Color Setting.


Home Color Setting

This section allows you to change Section Title Color, Title Color and Home Page Anchor Color. go to Appearance > Customizing  > Typography Options >Home Color Setting.

Font Family Setting

This setting allows you to customize font family, the font size for your site according to your requirement.go to Appearance > Customizing  > Typography Options > Font Family Setting.

Widgets are one of the most important aspects of this theme.default widgets are specially built for the front page so that most of your content can be categorized easily and be accommodated to feature in the front page.

  1. From Customize section, go to Widgets.
  2. From Widgets, you will see different sections to add widget where you will be able to Add a Widget or Remove widgets by going to particular widget section.
  3. And the added widget will be displayed in particular section that you have added.
  4. Note: Make sure to add proper widgets in proper widget area for best result.

Available Widget Area

By default, your homepage will also display your post feed, listing all of your latest posts for visitors to see.

But  If you would like to instead have your homepage be a static page then your front page will display the content from the page you selected as Front Page. However the page you selected in Posts Page will become your blog page..

This is the option which will allow you to add your custom CSS. From Customize > Additional CSS. Additional CSS you will see: