DataCamp vs Brilliant – Which Is Better?

When it comes to online learning, two popular platforms that often come up in the conversation are DataCamp and Brilliant.

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Both offer a wide range of courses and resources to help you enhance your skills and achieve your learning goals. But how do they compare in terms of features, prices, and classes?

Let’s take a closer look at both platforms to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  • DataCamp and Brilliant are both reputable online learning platforms.
  • DataCamp specializes in data science and programming, while Brilliant focuses on STEM subjects.
  • Pricing options are available for both platforms, with monthly and annual plans.
  • DataCamp offers a more comprehensive course library, while Brilliant provides a more interactive learning experience.
  • Your choice between DataCamp and Brilliant will depend on your learning goals and preferences.

DataCamp vs Brilliant – Overview


DataCamp is a widely recognized learning platform that offers courses in data science and programming. It has gained popularity among individuals looking to enhance their skills in these fields.

One of the main advantages of DataCamp is its user-friendly interface and intuitive teaching methods.

The curriculum offered by DataCamp is structured in career and skill tracks, allowing learners to follow a dedicated path towards their desired specialization.

These tracks consist of a series of courses covering specific topics, with each course building upon the knowledge gained in the previous one.

In addition, DataCamp provides completed projects, which allow learners to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world scenarios.

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Estimated completion times are provided for each course, giving learners a rough idea of the time commitment required.

However, it is important to note that these estimates are often underestimated, and learners may find themselves spending more time on a course than initially anticipated.

Furthermore, some users have reported deficiencies in the curriculum, specifically regarding the shift from Python-centric content to a more generalized focus on data analysis.

Track Description
Data Science with Python Exploring data manipulation, cleaning, and visualization using Python.
Machine Learning Scientist with Python Developing skills in machine learning, including algorithms and model evaluation.
Data Engineer with Python Learning data engineering concepts and tools for data processing and storage.

Despite these deficiencies, DataCamp remains a valuable resource for beginners and individuals looking to gain a solid foundation in data science and programming.

It provides an interactive learning experience, allowing learners to practice their skills and receive immediate feedback.

However, for learners seeking more specialized or advanced content, supplementing their learning outside of DataCamp may be necessary.


Brilliant is an online learning platform dedicated to providing a comprehensive education in STEM subjects. With its interactive courses and user-friendly interface, Brilliant offers a dynamic learning experience for learners of all levels.

The platform’s vast library of courses covers a wide range of topics such as mathematics, science, computer science, and engineering.

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Each course is meticulously designed to engage learners through hands-on activities, puzzles, and real-world problem-solving exercises.

Brilliant’s commitment to making learning accessible is evident in its beginner-friendly approach. The platform welcomes learners with no prior knowledge or experience in STEM subjects, allowing them to gain a solid foundation and build their skills at their own pace.

Additionally, Brilliant offers a free trial for new users, giving them the opportunity to explore the platform’s features and determine if it aligns with their learning goals.

Here are some of its key features:

  • Interactive courses that engage learners through practical exercises and puzzles
  • Wide range of topics covered, including mathematics, science, computer science, and engineering
  • Beginner-friendly platform that welcomes learners with no prior knowledge or experience
  • Self-paced learning, allowing learners to progress at their own speed
  • 7-day free trial for new users to experience the platform before committing
  • Mobile app for seamless learning on the go

Table: Comparison of Brilliant and DataCamp

Brilliant DataCamp
Focus STEM subjects Data science and programming
Teaching Approach Interactive and engaging Daily XP system with simplified teaching methods
Free Trial 7-day trial available Not specified
Beginner-Friendly Yes Yes
Course Variety Wide range of STEM subjects Data science and programming focused

Overall, Brilliant stands out as an exceptional online learning platform for STEM subjects.

Its interactive and engaging approach to teaching, beginner-friendly platform, and extensive course variety make it a top choice for learners seeking a comprehensive education in mathematics, science, computer science, and engineering.

DataCamp vs Brilliant – Pricing and Plans

When it comes to pricing and plans, both DataCamp and Brilliant offer subscription-based models with options for monthly and annual plans.

Let’s take a closer look at the pricing details for each platform.

Learn data and AI skills with Datacamp

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DataCamp Brilliant
Starting Price $25 per month $24.99 per month
Free Trial No specified duration 7 days
Subscription Plans Monthly and Annual Monthly and Annual
Group Plans Available Not specified

DataCamp’s pricing starts at $25 per month, providing access to their wide range of courses and features.

However, they do not specify the duration of their free trial, which may be a drawback for users who want to test the platform before committing to a subscription.

On the other hand, Brilliant offers a slightly lower starting price of $24.99 per month, with a 7-day free trial available for new users.

Their subscription plans are also available on a monthly or annual basis, giving users flexibility in choosing their learning journey.

While DataCamp explicitly mentions the availability of group plans for organizations and educational institutions, Brilliant does not provide specific information on this aspect.

It’s worth considering if you’re looking for a learning platform that can accommodate group needs.

DataCamp vs Brilliant – Pros and Cons


DataCamp offers a number of advantages for learners seeking interactive and beginner-friendly courses.

The platform’s interactive learning experience allows you to actively engage with the content, making it easier to grasp complex concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

DataCamp’s courses are designed with beginners in mind, providing a solid foundation for those starting their journey in data science or programming.

One of the key strengths of DataCamp is its self-paced nature. You have the flexibility to learn at your own speed, allowing you to tailor your learning experience according to your schedule and needs.

The platform also offers a wide range of courses, covering various topics in data science, programming languages, and more. This extensive selection ensures that you can find courses relevant to your specific interests and goals.

However, it’s worth noting that DataCamp has its limitations. While the platform covers a wide range of topics, it may not offer the depth and specialization required for certain advanced or niche subjects.

Additionally, DataCamp does not provide certificates upon course completion, which may be a drawback for learners seeking formal recognition of their skills and knowledge.


Brilliant excels in providing an interactive and engaging learning experience, particularly for learners interested in STEM subjects.

The platform’s courses are designed to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their analytical abilities.

The interactive nature of Brilliant’s courses ensures that learners actively participate in the learning process, resulting in a deeper understanding of the material.

As with DataCamp, Brilliant offers self-paced courses, allowing you to learn at your own speed. This flexibility is especially beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or specific learning preferences.

Furthermore, Brilliant covers a wide range of STEM topics, providing comprehensive content for learners interested in these fields.

However, Brilliant’s focus on STEM subjects means that it may not cater to learners outside of those fields.

If you’re looking for courses in other areas of study, Brilliant’s offerings may be limited. Similar to DataCamp, Brilliant also does not offer certificates upon course completion.

DataCamp Brilliant
Interactive and beginner-friendly courses Interactive and engaging learning experience
Self-paced learning Self-paced learning
Wide range of courses Focused on STEM subjects
May not cover advanced or niche topics May not cater to learners outside of STEM fields
No certificates upon course completion No certificates upon course completion


When it comes to online learning, both DataCamp and Brilliant have their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

DataCamp is a convenient platform that specializes in data science and programming. It offers a wide range of courses and a convenient daily XP system to track your progress.

However, some users have criticized its teaching methods for being too simplistic, and it may not be suitable for advanced learners who require specialized skills.

On the other hand, Brilliant focuses on STEM subjects and provides an interactive learning experience. Its courses are designed to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

It offers a 7-day free trial and allows learners to progress at their own pace. However, Brilliant’s offerings are limited to STEM subjects, which may not cater to the needs of learners outside of those fields.

Ultimately, the decision between DataCamp and Brilliant depends on your learning goals and preferences.

Consider the features, pricing, and course offerings of each platform to make an informed choice that aligns with your needs.


What topics are covered in DataCamp and Brilliant?

DataCamp focuses on data science and programming, while Brilliant specializes in STEM subjects.

Can I learn at my own pace on DataCamp and Brilliant?

Yes, both platforms offer self-paced learning allowing you to progress at your own speed.

Do DataCamp and Brilliant offer free trials?

Yes, both platforms offer free trials. Brilliant’s trial lasts for 7 days, while DataCamp does not specify the duration of its trial.

Do DataCamp and Brilliant provide certificates?

Neither DataCamp nor Brilliant provide certificates upon course completion.

Are there group plans available for DataCamp and Brilliant?

Yes, both platforms offer group plans for organizations and educational institutions.

Can I access courses offline on DataCamp and Brilliant?

Brilliant’s mobile app allows for offline learning, but it is not specified for DataCamp.

Are DataCamp and Brilliant suitable for advanced learners?

DataCamp’s curriculum has shifted focus from Python to more mainstream data analyst content, which may not meet the needs of advanced learners. Brilliant is limited to STEM subjects, which may not be suitable for learners outside of those fields.