DataCamp vs Codecademy For Python: Which Is Right For You?

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, both DataCamp and Codecademy offer comprehensive Python courses designed to enhance your coding skills.

DataCamp and Codecademy are two of the most popular online learning platforms for Python in the market today.

However, before deciding to go with one, it’s crucial to know which platform offers what.

In this article, we will evaluate these platforms on course quality, variety, foreign language support, ease of use, certifications, pricing, and more.

Understanding the strengths of each platform will help you make the right choice. So let’s dive in and learn more about them.


When it comes to online learning platforms for Python courses, DataCamp and Codecademy are two highly regarded options.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these platforms.


DataCamp, founded in 2013, is an online learning platform that specializes in data science and analysis. With its gamified learning environment, DataCamp offers a unique and engaging approach to Python education.

DataCamp offers various Python courses for learners with different levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced users.

The courses cover a wide range of topics, including the basics of Python, data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and advanced techniques for optimizing code and writing efficient functions.

For beginners, DataCamp provides an Introduction to Python course designed for people with no prior Python experience. This course covers the basics of Python, including how to use Python interactively and store, access, and manipulate .

For intermediate learners, DataCamp offers an Intermediate Python course that teaches how to visualize real data with Matplotlib’s functions and introduces new data structures such as the pandas data frame.

Advanced learners can benefit from DataCamp’s Python programming track, which covers topics such as optimizing code, writing functions and unit tests, and using software engineering best practices.

DataCamp’s Python courses are designed to help learners acquire and apply skills in data science and programming.

This enables them to master the basics of data analysis with Python, learn how to create and query relational databases using SQL, and explore popular packages for data analysis.

Also read: Best DataCamp Courses


Codecademy, established in 2011, offers courses in various coding languages, including Python.

The Python courses offered by Codecademy cover a range of topics suitable for different skill levels and interests.

For beginners, “Learn Python 3” is a comprehensive course focusing on the basics of Python 3, taking around 25 hours to complete. This course is ideal for those looking to start coding and build versatile applications.

For more experienced programmers, “Python for Programmers” is designed as an introduction to the basic syntax and fundamentals of Python, tailored for individuals already familiar with programming.

Additionally, there are other related resources and courses available on Codecademy, such as “Learn Python 2” for those interested in the basics of Python 2. 

Depending on your goals, you can explore different paths like Data Science, Web Development, or even Machine Learning, all of which can be pursued through Python courses on Codecademy.

Overall, both DataCamp and Codecademy are highly respected online learning platforms that cater to individuals interested in Python education.

With their comprehensive course offerings and reputable backgrounds, you can confidently choose either platform to embark on your Python learning journey.

Course Quality & Variety

DataCamp vs Codecademy

DataCamp provides access to more than 390 courses, including additional projects for practical application.

Codecademy, on the other hand, offers a catalog of about 250 courses, with additional career and skill tracks.

Both DataCamp and Codecademy have received favorable reviews for their course quality.

However, DataCamp stands out for its emphasis on hands-on projects, which can provide valuable practical experience.

These projects allow learners to apply their Python skills in real-world scenarios, further solidifying their understanding of the language.

On the other hand, Codecademy offers a diverse selection of courses across various programming languages, including Python.

With additional career and skill tracks, learners have the opportunity to explore other areas of interest and expand their coding knowledge beyond Python alone.

Both platforms cater to learners of different skill levels, from beginners to advanced users. Whether you’re just starting your Python journey or looking to enhance your existing skills, both DataCamp and Codecademy offer courses that can meet your needs.

Opportunities for Hands-On Learning

Python courses

One of the notable advantages of DataCamp is the abundance of hands-on learning opportunities available in their Python courses.

These projects allow learners to apply the concepts they’ve learned in a practical context, helping to reinforce their understanding of Python programming.

Codecademy, while not as focused on hands-on projects, still offers interactive coding exercises and quizzes to solidify the concepts covered in their Python courses.

These exercises provide learners with a way to practice their skills and test their knowledge in a guided environment.

Ultimately, the choice between DataCamp and Codecademy depends on your learning preferences.

If you value extensive hands-on projects and practical application of Python skills, DataCamp may be the preferred choice.

However, if you’re looking for a broader range of courses across different programming languages, including Python, as well as the opportunity to explore career and skill tracks, Codecademy is worth considering.

Check out: Datacamp vs freeCodeCamp

Foreign Language Support

foreign language support

While both DataCamp and Codecademy primarily offer courses in English, DataCamp stands out by providing extensive foreign language support.

For learners who prefer to study Python courses in their native language, DataCamp offers a range of subtitles in languages like Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese for their video content.

This foreign language support opens up opportunities for individuals who may have a better understanding and grasp of the material when it is presented in their mother tongue.

DataCamp’s dedication to catering to a diverse audience reflects their commitment to making learning Python accessible to a broader global community.

On the other hand, Codecademy currently focuses exclusively on offering courses in English. However, they have taken note of the demand for foreign language support and have expressed their intention to potentially introduce language options in the future.

Foreign language support from DataCamp could be a significant advantage if you are more comfortable learning Python with subtitles in your preferred language.

Ease of Use & Accessibility

ease of use and accessibility

When it comes to choosing an online learning platform, ease of use and accessibility are key factors to consider.

Both DataCamp and Codecademy prioritize providing user-friendly interfaces and easy navigation to enhance the learning experience.

Both platforms offer a range of features to ensure a smooth learning process for its Python courses.

DataCamp and Codecademy provide interactive Python coding challenges, allowing you to practice your skills in a hands-on manner.

Additionally, they offer text-based tutorials and step-by-step instructions, making it easy to follow along and understand the concepts.

It’s worth noting that both DataCamp and Codecademy have developed mobile apps, enabling you to learn Python on the go.

With these apps, you can access your courses and continue learning wherever and whenever it’s convenient for you.

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, DataCamp and Codecademy strive to make their platforms as user-friendly as possible.

They prioritize accessibility so that learners of all skill levels can navigate the Python courses and materials without difficulty.


Certifications can play a crucial role in your online Python learning journey, particularly when they reflect your newly acquired skills and have the potential to enhance your career prospects.

Both DataCamp and Codecademy recognize the value of certifications and provide them upon completion of their courses.

These certifications serve as valuable additions to your resume, showcasing your proficiency in Python and data science.

They demonstrate to potential employers your dedication to learning and your commitment to staying updated with the latest industry standards.

With a certification from either DataCamp or Codecademy, you can confidently showcase your skills and expertise in Python and data science to potential employers.

It’s worth noting that Codecademy Pro offers accredited certificates, which may carry additional weight in certain industries.

These accredited certificates are recognized and respected by employers, further validating your skills and knowledge in the field of data science.


Let’s take a look at their pricing structures.


DataCamp offers monthly and annual subscription plans to cater to different learning preferences and durations.

Their Premium plan, priced at $7 per month and billed annually, provides access to all courses and features, including hands-on projects and practice exercises.

For teams of two or more, they offer the Teams Plan priced at $13 per month.

In case you are on the lookout for a plan for employees of an organization, the Enterprise Plan with customized pricing will be a good option.

You may also try their free Basic Plan that offers limited access to Python courses. This is a great way to check out key features before signing up.

Also read: Datacamp Coupon Code And Special Deals


On the other hand, Codecademy too brings you various pricing plans to suit varying preferences of Python learning.

It offers a Pro plan at a price of $19.99 per month. With the Pro plan, you gain access to interactive learning experiences, quizzes, and real-world projects in addition to instructor support.

Then there is the Plus Plan that costs $14.99 per month (billed annually) and offers access to all courses, quizzes and personalized practice.

Codecademy too brings you a free Basic Plan that provides access to limited practice on the mobile app.

Both platforms also offer free basic Python courses and limited access options, allowing you to explore their offerings before committing to a subscription.

It’s crucial to evaluate the features, course variety, and additional benefits each platform provides to determine the best value for your investment.

When considering pricing, reflect on your learning goals, preferred learning style, and budget.

Take the time to compare the subscription plans and offerings of DataCamp and Codecademy to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs.


DataCamp may be a better option if you prefer a comprehensive hands-on learning experience with a focus on data science.

With over 390 courses and additional projects, DataCamp offers ample opportunities to practice your skills and apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios.

On the other hand, Codecademy provides a broader range of courses, including Python and other programming languages. However, its courses are priced higher than those of DataCamp.

Whether you choose DataCamp or Codecademy, both platforms offer valuable resources and support to help you achieve your Python learning goals.

Consider the platform that suits you better, and is in line with your needs, and budget.