GetResponse vs Builderall – Which Is For You?

Do you have a great product or service that you believe in, but you’re struggling to reach your target audience and convert leads into customers?

Are you pouring time and effort into your marketing strategies, but they’re just not delivering the results you’re looking for?

It’s a frustrating situation, isn’t it?

In fact, I have been there myself. For long, I was searching for a platform that could streamline my marketing efforts, increase my conversion rates, and save me valuable time and energy.

But soon, my search came to an end when I discovered tools like GetResponse and Builderall.

These platforms offer a wide range of features designed to help you create compelling campaigns, generate leads, and automate your marketing processes.

In this post, I will review the two at length. This will help you find out if one of these can really assist you in fixing your marketing woes.

So stay with me.

Builderall vs GetResponse – Overview

Builderall is an all-in-one marketing platform that provides businesses with the necessary tools and features to create, market, and sell online.

With its extensive range of functionalities, flexibility across platforms, and focus on customer support and training, Builderall is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to establish and grow their online presence.

GetResponse is another marketing platform that offers a wide range of features to help businesses engage with their audience and boost their marketing efforts.

Unlike Builderall though, GetResponse focuses on email marketing and marketing automation.

It provides businesses with useful tools they need to create effective email campaigns, nurture leads, and drive conversions.

Next, we would discuss and compare them around some of their top features.

Let’s talk about landing page capabilities first.

GetResponse - Best Email Marketing & Automation Platform

Sending emails, creating landing pages, automating marketing, building conversion funnels, boosting sales, everything made easier with GetResponse.

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Landing page builder

Builderall Landing Page Builder

To create effective landing pages, both Builderall and GetResponse offer powerful landing page builders with user-friendly interfaces.


Builderall’s landing page builder provides a drag-and-drop editor, giving you full control over the design process.

With a wide array of templates and elements to choose from, you can easily create visually appealing and engaging landing pages.

The builder also ensures that your landing pages are mobile responsive, allowing you to reach a larger audience across different devices.


Similarly, GetResponse offers a landing page builder that is intuitive and easy to use.

With customizable templates and a user-friendly interface, you can quickly design and publish landing pages that align with your brand.

Like Builderall, GetResponse’s landing page builder also focuses on mobile responsiveness, ensuring a seamless experience for your visitors.

While both platforms offer powerful landing page builders, there are differences that may influence your decision.

Builderall provides a wider range of template options and elements, allowing for more creativity and customization.

Whereas GetResponse’s builder is known for its simplicity and ease of use.

Builderall Landing Page Builder GetResponse Landing Page Builder
Drag-and-drop editor Intuitive and user-friendly interface
Wide array of templates and elements Customizable templates
Mobile responsive designs Mobile responsiveness
High level of customization Simplicity and ease of use

Email marketing

When it comes to email marketing, both Builderall and GetResponse have robust features to help you reach and engage with your audience.

Let’s take a closer look at what each platform offers:


Builderall’s email marketing capabilities are designed to streamline your campaigns and drive results.

With its click-and-move email builder, you can easily create visually appealing emails that capture your subscribers’ attention.

Builderall also offers marketing automation tools, allowing you to personalize your email content based on your subscribers’ behavior and interests.

Furthermore, Builderall provides tools like autoresponders and list management to help you nurture your leads and build strong relationships with your audience.

With their intuitive interface and easy-to-use features, Builderall makes it simple for even beginners to create effective email marketing campaigns.

GetResponse - Best Email Marketing & Automation Platform

Sending emails, creating landing pages, automating marketing, building conversion funnels, boosting sales, everything made easier with GetResponse.

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GetResponse offers a user-friendly email builder that allows you to create professional-looking emails without any coding or design skills.

Their drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to customize and personalize your emails to match your brand identity.

GetResponse also provides a variety of email templates to choose from, making it quick and easy to create eye-catching emails.

One standout feature of GetResponse is its advanced marketing automation capabilities.

You can segment your audience based on their behavior, send targeted emails based on subscribers’ time zones, and track their activity to deliver more relevant and personalized content.

GetResponse’s high deliverability rates ensure that your emails reach your subscribers’ inboxes, maximizing your campaign’s effectiveness.

Builderall’s click-and-move email builder and marketing automation tools may be a good fit if you’re looking for simplicity and ease of use.

On the other hand, GetResponse offers a user-friendly interface, a wide range of templates, and advanced automation features for more sophisticated email marketing campaigns.


email marketing


With Builderall, you can conduct live webinars, engage with your attendees through a live chat feature, and record your webinars for future use.

The platform’s webinar hosting tool is integrated into its comprehensive marketing platform, making it convenient for users who already utilize other Builderall tools.

Also Read: MailUp vs GetResponse

Features Description
Live Webinars Conduct live webinars and interact with your audience in real-time.
Live Chat Engage with attendees through a built-in live chat feature during the webinar.
Webinar Recording Record your webinars for future use or to share with those who couldn’t attend live.


GetResponse specializes in webinar hosting and provides a dedicated solution for conducting webinars.

The platform offers both live and on-demand webinar options, allowing you to reach a wider audience and provide flexibility in how your webinars are accessed.

GetResponse also provides customizable registration pages to enhance the overall user experience.

Features Description
Live and On-Demand Webinars Host live webinars and offer on-demand access for increased reach and flexibility.
Custom Registration Pages Create personalized registration pages to enhance the user experience and increase attendance.

Sales funnels

Comparison between Builderall and GetResponse Sales Funnels

Creating effective sales funnels is crucial for businesses looking to convert leads and drive revenue.

Both Builderall and GetResponse offer tools and features to help businesses build and optimize their sales funnels.


Builderall’s Canvas Funnel Builder allows you to create sales funnels from scratch or through pre-designed templates.

With a user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality, you can easily customize your funnels to suit your specific business needs.

Builderall also provides A/B split testing within its funnel builder to optimize conversions by comparing different page versions.

GetResponse - Best Email Marketing & Automation Platform

Sending emails, creating landing pages, automating marketing, building conversion funnels, boosting sales, everything made easier with GetResponse.

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GetResponse’s sales funnel feature allows you to design and implement automated sales funnels to nurture and convert leads.

With pre-built funnel templates and drag-and-drop functionality, you can create customized funnels tailored to your business goals.

GetResponse also offers analytics tools to track metrics like visitor behavior, conversion rates, and bounce rates for optimizing funnel performance.


Builderall and GetResponse have different pricing plans to suit various business requirements.


Builderall offers several pricing tiers, starting with a very affordable option and going up to a premium plan with more features.

This makes Builderall a popular choice for small businesses and entrepreneurs who prioritize affordability while still requiring a wide range of features.

Here are the plans it offers:

Plan Price
Core kr 142 per month (Access to basic tools)
Essentials kr 392 per month (For growing businesses)
Advanced kr 810 per month (For Established setups)
Premium kr 2064 per month (For businesses looking to expand)

Besides these, it also offers WordPress plans specifically for website building.


GetResponse pricing is based on the number of contacts and the features needed.

As the contact list grows, the cost of GetResponse can increase, making it ideal for businesses that prioritize email marketing and lead nurturing with its advanced email marketing features and automation capabilities.

GetResponse - Best Email Marketing & Automation Platform

Sending emails, creating landing pages, automating marketing, building conversion funnels, boosting sales, everything made easier with GetResponse.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Take a look at the plans available:

  1. Email Marketing – $15.6/m
  2. Marketing Automation – $48.4/m
  3. Ecommerce Marketing – $97.6/m
  4. GetResponse Max – $1099/m

These prices are applicable for yearly payments. You also have the option to pay each month or once every two years.

Along with a 30-day free trial, a free plan is available too. This is mainly for people who are new to email marketing.


GetResponse excels at email marketing features like email automation, autoresponders, and email templates.

While GetResponse has expanded to include landing pages and sales funnels, email marketing remains its core focus.

So if email marketing is what you’re looking at, GetResponse is the tool for you.

Builderall on the other side, provides a wide range of tools for creating complete sales funnels, landing pages, webinars, SMS/WhatsApp messaging, quizzes, and more. It also features an email marketing platform called MailingBoss.

In short, Builderall is ideal for businesses and individuals who want a complete marketing suite, not just something for email marketing alone.