20 Best Professional Voicemail Greeting Examples

Have you ever hesitated before leaving a voicemail, unsure of how your message would be received?

In today’s fast-paced world, where communication is key to building relationships, your voicemail greeting serves as the first impression for many.

It’s more than just a message; it’s a reflection of your professionalism and approachability. A well-crafted greeting can enhance your credibility and set a positive tone for future interactions, whether with clients, colleagues, or customers.

Yet, most people don’t update their voicemails for months, missing an opportunity to connect with others effectively.

This article presents some of the best professional voicemail greetings to help you create effective greetings tailored for various contexts.

From work-related calls to personal engagements, you will find examples that convey your professionalism while being welcoming and efficient.

Let’s check out.

Best Professional Voicemail Greeting Examples

20 Best Professional Voicemail Greeting Examples

Standard Voicemail Greetings

  1. Basic Greeting
    “Hi! Thanks for calling [Company Name/Your Name]. We’re sorry that we can’t take your call right now. Please leave a brief message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Have a great day!”
  2. Schedule Callback
    “You’ve reached [Company Name]. We can’t take your call right now, but please leave your name, number, and the best time to reach you, and we’ll call you back soon.”
  3. Text Follow-Up
    “Hey, it’s [Your Name] at [Company Name]. I can’t wait to chat! Please leave your name and number, or send me a text with the best time to reach you and the reason for your call.”
  4. Email Follow-Up
    “Hi, you’ve reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. If you need a quick response, please send me an email at [Email Address]. Otherwise, leave a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

After-Hours Greetings

  1. General After-Hours Message
    “Thank you for calling [Company Name]. Our office is currently closed. Please leave a message, and we will return your call during business hours.”
  2. Holiday Closure Message
    “Thank you for calling [Company Name]. We are currently closed for the holiday. Please leave a message, and we will get back to you when we return.”

Specific Situations

  1. Support Department Greeting
    “You’ve reached the Support Department. We are busy assisting other callers at this time. Please leave your name, number, order ID, and the reason for your call. We will return your call as soon as possible.”
  2. Unavailable for a Period
    “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name] at [Your Company]. I will be out of the office from [Date] to [Date]. Please leave your contact information, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need immediate assistance, please contact [Colleague’s Name] at [Email or Phone Number].”

General Voicemail Greetings

importance of voicemail

  1. Friendly Reminder
    “Hi! You’ve reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. I’m currently unavailable to take your call. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I’ll return your call as soon as I can. Thank you!”
  2. Urgent Matters
    “Hello, this is [Your Name] with [Company Name]. I’m unable to answer the phone right now. If your call is urgent, please send me a text message at this number. Otherwise, leave a message, and I’ll get back to you shortly.”
  3. Callback Request
    “Thank you for calling [Company Name]. I’m not available to take your call at the moment. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message about how I can assist you, and I’ll return your call as soon as possible.”

Out-of-Office Greetings

  1. Vacation Notice
    “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name]. I am currently out of the office on vacation until [Date]. Please leave your name and number, and I will get back to you when I return. For urgent matters, please contact [Colleague’s Name] at [Colleague’s Contact Information].”
  2. Extended Absence
    “Hi, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. I will be out of the office until [Date]. If you need immediate assistance, please reach out to [Alternative Contact] at [Contact Information]. Otherwise, leave a message, and I will return your call as soon as I can.”

Industry-Specific Greetings

  1. Real Estate Agent
    “Thank you for calling [Your Name] at [Real Estate Company]. I’m currently busy assisting other clients. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message about your real estate needs, and I’ll return your call as soon as possible.”
  2. Healthcare Provider
    “You have reached the office of [Your Name], [Your Title] at [Healthcare Facility]. I’m unable to take your call right now. Please leave your name, contact number, and a brief message, and I will return your call as soon as I can. If this is a medical emergency, please call 911.”
  3. Legal Office
    “Hello, you’ve reached the law office of [Firm Name]. We are currently unavailable to take your call. Please leave your name, contact information, and a brief message, and we will return your call as soon as possible.”

Additional Examples

voicemail greeting examples

  1. Busy Line
    “Thank you for calling [Company Name]. We are currently assisting other customers. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and we will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!”
  2. Holiday Greeting
    “Happy Holidays! You’ve reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. Our office is currently closed for the holiday season. Please leave a message, and we will get back to you after the holidays. Thank you!”

Friendly Reminder Greeting

  1. “Hi there! You’ve reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. I’m currently unavailable to take your call right now. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I’ll return your call as soon as I can. Have a wonderful day!”

Urgent Matters Greeting

  1. “Hello, this is [Your Name] with [Company Name]. I’m unable to answer the phone right now. If your call is urgent, please send me a text message at this number. Otherwise, leave a message, and I’ll get back to you shortly.”

So these are some of the examples of professional voicemails. The best part is that you can customize them to fit your personal style and the specific needs of your business.

What Makes a Good Voicemail Greeting?

crafting voicemail greetings

To ensure that your callers get a good impression, and receive all the information you want them to know, when they reach your voicemail box, consider the following tips.

By following these, you can craft highly effective yet professional sounding voicemails.

  • Keep it Short: Aim for a concise message, ideally 20-30 seconds, to respect the caller’s time.
  • Start with a Greeting: Use a friendly opening such as “Hello” or “Hi.”
  • Identify Yourself: Clearly state your name and, if applicable, your company name to confirm the caller has reached the right person.
  • Explain Your Absence: Briefly mention why you can’t answer the call, such as “I’m currently unavailable” or “I’m away from my desk.”
  • Provide Clear Instructions: Tell the caller how to leave a message and what information to include, like their name and reason for calling.
  • Set Expectations: Optionally, inform the caller when they can expect a return call, e.g., “I’ll return your call as soon as possible.”
  • End Positively: Close with a polite note, such as “Thank you for your call” or “Have a great day.”
  • Smile While Recording: A cheerful tone can make your greeting sound more inviting and friendly.
  • Avoid Background Noise: Record in a quiet environment to ensure clarity and professionalism

What Mistakes should You Avoid when Crafting a Professional Voicemail Greeting?

Recording a voicemail greeting may seem straightforward, yet many individuals make critical voicemail mistakes that undermine their professional standard.

Avoiding these communication pitfalls is essential for crafting an effective message that maintains a professional tone while encouraging callers to engage with you.

  • Being Too Long-Winded: Avoid lengthy messages that overwhelm callers. Keep your greeting concise, ideally under 30 seconds, to maintain their attention.
  • Mumbling or Speaking Too Quickly: Ensure clarity by speaking slowly and distinctly. A rushed or muffled greeting can frustrate callers and lead to misunderstandings.
  • Using Outdated Information: Regularly update your greeting to reflect current roles, promotions, or contact details. Outdated information can confuse or mislead callers.
  • Being Overly Formal or Casual: Tailor your tone to match your audience. An overly casual greeting may not suit a professional context, while a very formal tone might feel out of place in a personal setting.
  • Having Excessive Background Noise: Record your greeting in a quiet environment to avoid distractions. Background noise can make your message difficult to hear and unprofessional.
  • Failing to Provide Alternatives: If you’re often unavailable, include alternative contact methods or someone else to reach out to for urgent matters. This shows consideration for the caller’s needs.
  • Not Personalizing Your Message: Avoid using default greetings. Personalizing your voicemail helps confirm to callers that they’ve reached the right person and adds a touch of professionalism.
  • Forgetting to Test Your Voicemail: Always listen to your recorded greeting to ensure it sounds as intended. Testing helps catch any issues before callers hear it.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can create a professional voicemail greeting that leaves a positive impression and encourages callers to leave a message.

What are Some Creative Ways to Make Your Voicemail Greeting Stand Out?

To make your voicemail greeting stand out creatively, consider the following strategies:

1. Personalization

Add a personal touch by including your name and a friendly introduction. For example:

“Hi, this is [Your Name]. I’m currently unavailable, but your call is important to me. Please leave your name and number, and I’ll get back to you soon!”

This creates a connection with the caller and makes them feel acknowledged.

2. Humor

Incorporate light-hearted humor to make your greeting memorable, but ensure it aligns with your brand voice. For instance:

“You’ve reached [Your Name]. I’m not here right now because I’m probably saving the world. Leave a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!”

This can help create a friendly atmosphere and make your voicemail more engaging.

3. Unique Sound Effects or Music

Consider adding a short sound effect or jingle at the beginning or end of your greeting.

This can be a fun way to grab attention and reflect your brand’s personality. Just ensure it’s not overly distracting or long.

4. Offer Options

Provide callers with options for follow-up, such as alternative contact methods. For example:

“Hi, this is [Your Name]. I’m currently away from the phone. If this is urgent, please text me at [Your Number], or leave a message, and I’ll return your call as soon as possible.”

This shows that you value their time and offers them a way to reach you more quickly.

5. Use a Script

Craft a concise script that includes essential information like your availability and alternative contacts. This helps ensure clarity and professionalism while allowing you to express your personality.

Practice your delivery to sound natural and upbeat.

6. Be Authentic

Let your personality shine through. Whether you’re friendly, quirky, or straightforward, being authentic makes your greeting relatable and can help build rapport with callers.

For example:

“Hey there! You’ve reached [Your Name]. I’m probably off doing something exciting, but your call matters. Leave a message, and I’ll get back to you!”

By implementing these creative strategies, you can craft a voicemail greeting that not only stands out but also enhances your professional image and fosters a positive connection with callers.


A well-executed voicemail greeting serves as a critical component of effective business communication, enhancing your professional image.

With around 80% of callers opting not to leave messages, it becomes imperative to create a greeting that not only encourages callers to reach out but also reassures them they’ve connected with the right individual or organization.

By incorporating personalized elements, such as mentioning your company name and providing estimated response times, you can craft a message that’s both informative and inviting.